Linux Directory Structure and 8 Important Directory Explained

If you are looking for the Linux directory structure this is the right place for your search because here you will get answers for Linux directory structure and an explanation of important directories. You can use this article as a cheat sheet for the Linux directory structure.

Linux Directory Structure

Linux directory structure

The Linux directory structure is a tree-like hierarchy that is used to organize and store files on a Linux system. The root of the directory tree is represented by the forward slash (/), and all other directories and files are organized beneath it.

Here is a brief overview of some of the main directories that are commonly found in a Linux system:

  • bin: This directory contains essential binary executables that are needed to start the system and run basic commands.
  • /boot: This directory contains files that are needed to boot the system, including the Linux kernel, bootloader files, and system configuration files.
  • /dev: This directory contains device files that represent various devices that are connected to the system, such as printers, hard drives, and terminal devices.
  • /etc: This directory contains system-wide configuration files and scripts.
  • /home: This directory contains the home directories for all users of the system. Each user has their own subdirectory under /home, where they can store their personal files and configurations.
  • /lib: This directory contains libraries that are needed by programs in the /bin and /sbin directories.
  • /media: This directory is typically used to mount removable storage devices, such as USB drives or CD-ROMs.
  • /mnt: This directory is used to temporarily mount file systems, such as when performing system maintenance tasks.
  • /opt: This directory is used to store optional software packages that are not part of the default installation.
  • /proc: This directory is a virtual file system that contains information about the system’s processes and kernel.
  • /root: This is the home directory for the system’s root user.
  • /sbin: This directory contains system binary executables that are used for system maintenance and administration tasks.
  • /tmp: This directory is used to store temporary files that are created by programs.
  • /usr: This directory contains shared user data, such as libraries, documentation, and executables for programs that are installed on the system.
  • /var: This directory contains variable data, such as log files, spool directories, and temporary files that are created by system processes.

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Brief Explanation for Important Directories

Below is an explanation of some important Linux directories below :

/etc Directory

The /etc directory in Linux is a system-wide configuration directory that contains configuration files and scripts that are used to control the operation of various system programs and services. It is a common location for storing global settings and preferences that apply to the entire system.

Some examples of the types of files that might be found in the /etc directory include:

  • System-wide configuration files for programs and services, such as the Apache web server or the SSH daemon
  • System-wide shell scripts that are run at boot time or when certain events occur, such as the rc scripts that are used to start and stop system services
  • System-wide security and authentication files, such as the passwd and shadow files that store user account information
  • System-wide environment variables and configuration files for the shell, such as bashrc
  • System-wide networking configuration files, such as hosts, resolv.conf, and network

The /etc directory is often used as a central location for storing system-wide configuration files because it makes it easy to find and manage all of the configuration files for the system in a single place. However, it is important to be careful when modifying the files in this directory, as changing the wrong settings can cause problems with the system’s operation.

/proc Directory

The /proc directory in Linux is a virtual file system that contains information about the system’s processes and kernel. It is a special kind of file system that does not exist on a physical storage device but is created dynamically by the kernel when the system is booted.

The /proc directory contains a number of files and directories that provide information about the state of the system and its processes. Some examples of the types of files and directories that might be found in /proc include:

  • /proc/cpuinfo: This file contains information about the system’s CPU, such as its model, speed, and number of cores.
  • /proc/meminfo: This file contains information about the system’s memory, such as the amount of free and used memory.
  • /proc/uptime: This file contains information about how long the system has been running since the last boot.
  • /proc/loadavg: This file contains information about the system’s load average, which is a measure of how busy the system is.
  • /proc/pid: This directory contains subdirectories for each running process on the system, with the name of each subdirectory corresponding to the process ID of the process. Each subdirectory contains a number of files that provide information about the process, such as its status, memory usage, and other details.

The /proc directory is a useful source of information about the system and its processes, and it can be accessed like any other directory on the system. However, it is important to note that the files in /proc are not stored on a physical storage device, and they may not always contain accurate or up-to-date information.

/bin Directory

The /bin directory in Linux is a directory that contains essential binary executables that are needed to start the system and run basic commands. These executables are used by both users and the system, and they include a wide range of tools and utilities that are necessary for the system to function.

Some examples of the types of executables that might be found in the /bin directory include:

  • Basic command line utilities, such as ls, cd, mv, and rm
  • System utilities, such as systemctl and init
  • Text processing utilities, such as grep, sed, and awk
  • Network utilities, such as ping and traceroute
  • File compression and decompression utilities, such as gzip and tar

The /bin directory is one of the directories that is included in the system’s PATH environment variable, which means that the executables it contains can be run from anywhere on the system simply by typing their names on the command line. This makes it convenient to use these tools and utilities without having to specify the full path to the executable file each time.

/sbin Directory

The /sbin directory in Linux is a directory that contains system binary executables that are used for system maintenance and administration tasks. These executables are typically used by system administrators and other users with special privileges, and they include a wide range of tools and utilities that are used to manage and maintain the system.

Some examples of the types of executables that might be found in the /sbin directory include:

  • System initialization and shutdown utilities, such as init and shutdown
  • System maintenance utilities, such as fsck and fdisk
  • Network configuration utilities, such as ifconfig and route
  • Disk management utilities, such as fdisk and mkfs
  • Hardware detection and configuration utilities, such as lspci and modprobe

The /sbin directory is typically not included in the system’s PATH environment variable, which means that the executables it contains must be run by specifying the full path to the executable file. This is done to prevent users without special privileges from running these executables by accident, as some of them can have serious consequences if used improperly.

/var Directory

The /var directory in Linux is a directory that contains variable data, such as log files, spool directories, and temporary files that are created by system processes. This directory is used to store data that is likely to change during the normal operation of the system, as opposed to the more static data that is stored in other parts of the file system.

Some examples of the types of files and directories that might be found in the /var directory include:

  • Log files, such as system logs, application logs, and web server logs
  • Spool directories, such as the /var/spool/cron directory, which is used to store cron job files
  • Temporary files, such as those created by the system’s package manager or by certain applications
  • Cache directories, such as the /var/cache/apt directory, which is used to store package cache files for the APT package manager
  • Lock files, which are used to prevent multiple processes from accessing the same resource at the same time

The /var/log subdirectory is a particularly important part of the /var directory, as it is used to store log files that can be used to troubleshoot problems with the system. It is a good practice to periodically review the log files in this directory to look for any issues or errors that might need to be addressed.

/lib Directory

The /lib directory in Linux is a directory that contains libraries that are needed by programs in the /bin and /sbin directories. A library is a collection of code that can be used by multiple programs to perform a common set of tasks. By storing libraries in a central location, such as the /lib directory, it is possible to reduce duplication of code and improve the efficiency of the system.

The /lib directory typically contains a variety of libraries, including shared object libraries (files with a .so suffix), static libraries (files with a .a suffix), and kernel modules (files with a .ko suffix). Some examples of the types of libraries that might be found in the /lib directory include:

  • System libraries, such as those that provide basic system functions, such as memory allocation and input/output operations
  • Libraries for programming languages, such as the C standard library or the Python standard library
  • Libraries for specific applications or services, such as libraries for the Apache web server or the MySQL database server

The /lib directory is an important part of the system’s file hierarchy, as it contains libraries that are needed by many of the programs and utilities that are used on the system. It is important to be careful when modifying the files in this directory, as changing the wrong library files can cause problems with the system’s operation.

/boot Directory

The /boot directory in Linux is a directory that contains files that are needed to boot the system, including the Linux kernel, bootloader files, and system configuration files. The /boot directory is typically one of the first directories that is accessed when the system starts up, as it contains the files that are required to load the kernel and start the system.

Some examples of the types of files that might be found in the /boot directory include:

  • The Linux kernel, which is the core of the operating system and is responsible for managing the system’s hardware and software resources
  • Bootloader files, such as the GRUB bootloader configuration file and the bootloader stage1 and stage2 files
  • System configuration files, such as the initrd file, which is used to load initial RAM disk images, and the file, which contains a mapping of kernel symbols to addresses
  • Kernel modules are pieces of code that can be loaded into the kernel at runtime to add support for specific hardware devices or features

The /boot directory is an important part of the system’s file hierarchy, as it contains the files that are required to boot the system. It is important to be careful when modifying the files in this directory, as changing the wrong boot files can prevent the system from starting up correctly.

/tmp Directory

The /tmp directory in Linux is a directory that is used to store temporary files that are created by programs. These files are usually used to store data that is needed temporarily during the execution of a program, and they are typically deleted by the system or the program when they are no longer needed.

The /tmp directory is a good place to store temporary files because it is typically located on a file system that is specifically designated for temporary storage, such as a ramdisk or a partition with a relatively small amount of storage. This can help to improve the performance of the system by reducing the amount of disk I/O that is required to access the temporary files.

Some examples of the types of temporary files that might be stored in the /tmp directory include:

  • Temporary files that are created by applications, such as text editors or image editors
  • Temporary files that are created by the system, such as lock files or pid files
  • Temporary files that are created by shell scripts or other scripts that are run on the system

The /tmp directory is a good place to store temporary files because it is usually writable by all users on the system, which makes it easy for programs to create and access temporary files. It is important to note that the files in the /tmp directory are not permanently stored, and they may be deleted by the system or by other programs at any time.


Here are a few suggestions if you are a beginner for ways you can continue learning about Linux and its directories:

  • Explore the different directories on your Linux system and see what types of files and directories are stored in each one. You can use the ls command to list the contents of a directory, and the man command to learn more about the various utilities and commands that are available on the system.
  • Learn how to navigate the Linux file system using the command line. You can use commands like cd, pwd, and ls to move around the file system, and use wildcards and shell patterns to manipulate files and directories.
  • Practice using the find command to search for files and directories based on various criteria, such as their name, size, or modification time. This can be a useful skill for locating specific files or directories on the system.
  • Learn more about the various file system types that are supported by Linux, such as ext2, ext3, ext4, and XFS. Each file system has its own set of features and performance characteristics, and understanding these differences can help you choose the right file system for your needs.


Now we know about Linux directories structure and its usages and importance in Linux Operation systems. Hope this article works for you as a cheat sheet. Share this article with those who are learning and working on Linux.

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